Metrovacesa joins Forética and reinforces its commitment to sustainability

- This agreement is part of Metrovacesa’s commitment to applying sustainable development in its real estate and urban development projects.
- As a member of Forética, the developer will continue to promote the integration of sustainability into the company’s strategy and management.
Metrovacesa becomes the first listed developer to join this organisation.
Madrid, 17 May 2021. Metrovacesa, Spain’s leading real estate developer, has today announced its membership of Forética, a leading organisation in sustainability and corporate social responsibility in Spain. Metrovacesa’s integration as a member is part of the company’s commitment to sustainability, a fundamental pillar of the developer’s strategy.
Through this alliance, Metrovacesa reinforces its efforts to develop sustainable urban and real estate projects that respect the environment, in line with the strategy set out in the 2020-2022 Sustainability Plan that the company is currently developing. With this agreement, Metrovacesa becomes the first listed developer to join Forética.
Forética brings together more than 200 members, including listed companies, multinationals, small and medium-sized enterprises and NGOs. In this way, a network is created that works as a meeting point between the different members to promote the integration of social, environmental and good governance aspects in the strategy and management of each company.
Metrovacesa bases its daily activity on sustainable development and applies environmental, social and good governance criteria in its operations and strategy. The developer is also committed to the Sustainable Development Goals incorporated in its Sustainability Plan, a roadmap with 8 strategic lines and 33 specific actions.
Jorge Pérez de Leza, CEO of Metrovacesa, said: “At Metrovacesa we have been highlighting sustainability as a key issue for years, especially in the real estate sector. Integration into the environment, respect and preservation of the environment, as well as support for the communities in which we develop our projects is paramount. For this reason, we are proud to become partners with Forética to work together towards a sustainable future”.
Germán Granda, CEO of Forética, adds: “The incorporation of Metrovacesa to Forética allows us to join a business network focused on responsible leadership, which ensures the development of environmental, social and good governance aspects based on three axes: Increasing the ambition of business objectives in terms of sustainability; accelerating action to achieve them; and expanding alliances that allow us to generate a greater impact”.