
The main promoters unite to support their clients and delay the collection of the next monthly installments

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Índice interactivo
19 March, 2020 · 1 min de lectura

Announcement of the main promoters in the face of the global health crisis Covid-19.


In order to collaborate with the family finances of its clients, Metrovacesa, aware of the seriousness of the situation, and to support its clients, launches the Metrovacesa Promote Confidence program, the first initiative that consists of deferring the collection of the next two payments of the customers who have signed a purchase agreement and who request it.


With this measure, Metrovacesa seeks to contribute to minimizing, as far as possible, the negative economic effects that our clients may be suffering due to the global health crisis caused by Covid-19. Without a doubt, it is an initiative of responsibility and social commitment that seeks to have a positive impact on families.


You can download the legal bases of the campaign Promote Confidence

Conditions of The Promote Confidence campaign plan

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