
Did you know…that it’s a good time to buy a home?

Índice interactivo
12 June, 2019 · 1 min de lectura

Today we present the section: “With Metrovacesa Did You Know”. We are in the company of our CFO, Borja Tejada, talking to us about the right time to buy a home.

At Metrovacesa we all innovate. Thanks to an initiative by our Finance Director, Borja Tejada, we are launching our new section: “WithMetrovacesaDidYouKnow”. It’s a space where our senior managers can offer the best advice and dispel any doubts our clients may have.
Borja explains….Did you know…it’s a good time to buy a new home and gives key information such as:
⏰ Interest rates are at all-time lows
💯 Employment levels are stable and secure
This is only a taster…Don’t miss it! Click on the link https://youtu.be/-HKygqv6-8U
With Metrovacesa Now You Can!

From a financial point of view, paying a mortgage nowadays is less financial effort for families than paying rent in some cities.

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