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26 October, 2018 · 3 mins de lectura

Metrovacesa takes a stride forward in customer relationships

A relationship that we seek to strengthen with those who are already customers and who trust us, because we do not forget about them once we have given them their home…

… and in addition, we delve further into how Metrovacesa understands the concept of customer; for us a customer is someone who has been interested in one of our homes in one of our channels, even if they have not yet purchased it.

This idea led to the two projects that we are going to talk about today; two partnerships, the first with a large corporation like Telefónica for customers that have already received their home from us; and Protopiso, a Spanish start-up for those who have been interested in one of our properties or have already purchased it. These partnerships are instrumented using blockchain technology, and in this case with the digital identity that Alastria is building.

Today we announce that Metrovacesa is gifting Telefónica’s Movistar Home to those customers that received a home from us in 2018. This is solely and exclusively for these customers, as it will begin to be installed on 15 November. Movistar Home is an assistant with artificial intelligence to which customers speak aloud to ask it to look for a film or series in Movistar Plus, turn off or turn on the lights…. I will now leave you in the hands of José Luís, who will give further details.


How does this relate to Alastria’s digital Identity on the blockchain?

Metrovacesa has a CRM housing the information of customers who purchased a home with us; the quality of the ID data is high, since it is a notary public who attests to them at the time of executing the deed. So, if a Metrovacesa customer that received their home from us in 2018 contacts us and decides to accept the Movistar Home gift offered by Metrovacesa, and does not want to fill in a load of forms again, they will give their consent so that the data that Movistar needs to register them can be transferred from Metrovacesa to Telefónica leaving a trace on the blockchain of this operation (which does not include the customer’s data). In addition to obtaining the gift, our customer does not have to waste time on processes add no value.

Prontopiso is a start-up that appraises the customer’s current home and undertakes to sell it within 90 days. If it fails to sell it in that period, it promises to pay the client 95% of the value of the property. Any customer who receives our newsletter, for example, even if they have not yet purchased a home, will benefit from a discount of up to 19% on Protopiso’s rates, which means savings of up to 7,000 euros on the sale of their home. Likewise, these requests will be recorded on the blockchain, in the Alastria network.

This project is just the tip of the iceberg; once we have generated the structure on the blockchain and Alastria, we will be adding convenient services for our customers, both because they represent a saving in their domestic economy, as well as for the digital ease of entering into contracts.

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