Metrovacesa joins the “Sustainable Cities 2030” project promoted by Forética

- The company will contribute its experience in the field of sustainable urban planning and will work with the rest of the associated firms to identify the challenges faced by cities, as well as to work in those areas that allow to respond to them.
- This initiative seeks to boost the business contribution to the development of sustainable cities in Spain and to highlight the importance of public-private collaboration to achieve a resilient, safe, inclusive and sustainable city model.
- Energy efficiency, circular economy and a design adapted to the climatic and landscape characteristics of the location where Metrovacesa’s developments are located are key elements in its projects.
Madrid, 14 June 2021. Metrovacesa, a leading real estate developer in Spain with more than one hundred years of history, announces its adhesion to the “Sustainable Cities 2030” project, an initiative designed by Forética -a leading business organisation in sustainability- with the aim of promoting the business contribution to the development of sustainable cities in Spain.
The main objective of this project, which Metrovacesa is joining to share its experience and knowledge in the development of sustainable urban planning projects, is to advance towards the integration of strategic approaches and actions linked to sustainability in cities from a triple perspective: environmental, social and governance. On the other hand, this project also aims to highlight the importance of public-private collaboration and partnerships in order to be ambitious in the urban sustainability goals, in line with SDG 17.
The roadmap of this project on which all the collaborating companies will work, led by ASPRIMA together with four other companies, seeks to lay the foundations for potential alliances between the agents involved to maximise the positive impact on cities, make visible the efforts and progress of the private sector as a facilitator of solutions to improve sustainability in urban environments, through its activities, products and services, and contribute to the United Nations 2030 Agenda, especially through SDG 11.
Within the framework of this project, Forética has recently presented the report ‘Rethinking our cities. Towards a new model of sustainable urban development’, in which it identifies six keys to achieve an environmentally friendly urban environment. That is, sustainable mobility initiatives; integration of green areas; greater ambition in the fight against climate change; energy efficiency measures; sustainable construction and building projects; and solutions to promote citizens’ health.
Firm commitment to sustainability
Within the framework of its Sustainability Plan 2020-2022, Metrovacesa is developing a series of initiatives with the aim of reinforcing its commitment to sustainable urban planning and building, and thus contributing to the evolution of the real estate sector towards more efficient strategies that are more respectful of the environment and society.
In this sense, the developer maintains a strong social and environmental commitment in both the conception and design of its developments. Likewise, aspects such as energy efficiency, circular economy and a design adapted to the climatic and landscape characteristics of the place where they are located are key elements in its projects.
Proof of this is that Forética has included in this latest report, as an example of good practice, the Modification of the General Plan for the urban development of the former CLESA factory. With this project, Metrovacesa demonstrates its commitment to the conservation and recovery of the architectural heritage and urban regeneration with the inclusion of green areas and the incorporation of sustainable energy measures.
Miguel Diaz Batanero, Director of Land at Metrovacesa said: “We are very pleased to be part of the Sustainable Cities 2030 project and to become the first real estate developer to join it. Real estate firms play a key role in the transition to cleaner, more energy efficient and less aggressive cities with our environment. At Metrovacesa we work with these objectives as our leitmotiv and we seek to do our bit by designing and developing projects and urban environments that generate value for our customers, employees, shareholders and society in general”.