
Metrovacesa joins Together for the SDGs Global Compact campaign for people, the economy and the planet.

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24 September, 2023 · 1 min de lectura
  • A collaboration symbolised under a banner that involves businesses, institutions and citizens individually and collectively in achieving a sustainable future.


  • Our commitment to sustainable development goes beyond mere legal compliance; we aim to create a positive impact on society.


Madrid, 24 September 2023. Metrovacesa, a real estate developer with more than 100 years of experience in Spain, joins the Global Compact campaign Together for the SDGs in favour of people, the economy and the planet. We celebrate the 8th Anniversary of the SDGs together with all the organisations, companies, governments, municipalities and educational institutions around the world that raise the SDG flag as a symbol of support for the 2030 agenda. A collaboration symbolised under a flag that engages us individually and collectively as companies, institutions and citizens in the achievement of a sustainable future.

While significant progress has been made, we still face many challenges that require attention, work and commitment. To address them successfully, it is crucial that we work collaboratively to achieve the SDGs, knowing that we are part of a collective commitment that is greater than any disagreement. The SDG flag is a powerful symbol to unite people who feel represented in the quest for a sustainable, win-win future where prosperity and sustainability come together in harmony.

Our commitment to sustainable development goes beyond mere legal compliance; we aim to create a positive impact on society.

Time is running out and it is time to accelerate and make the SDGs a shared priority!

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