The City of Health and Wellbeing in Aldeamayor will start construction of its first phase at the end of 2019

Metrovacesa is delighted that the Regional Government of Castile and Leon has granted the environmental license to the project to develop the City of Health and Wellbeing in Aldeamayor de San Martín, and that it requires facilities related to the health, well-being and leisure of elderly people to be constructed: a total of 1,440 homes over fourteen phases of activity.
Metrovacesa officials have been in Valladolid on Wednesday, explaining this project which they have defined as “model”. Indeed, Juan Núñez, Metrovacesa Operations Manager, has explained that the main characteristic is the generation of an economic fabric. In fact, for every 70 percent of land destined for facilities and productive fabric, “only” 30 percent will be used for residential housing construction. Another feature is “respect for the environment and sustainability”, with 45 percent of land destined for green spaces. He has also highlighted “the sequential form” in which the project is planned.
Metrovacesa has conceived an innovative project, in which it will offer land to specialized companies in the sector: hospitals, nursing homes, sheltered accommodation, day centres, housing co-operatives for the elderly, leisure centres, restaurants, shops, sports facilities, beauty, health facilities such as spas and other centres that can benefit the city.
The architect who designed this city, whose development will last between ten and twenty years, is Óscar Ares, from Valladolid. He explained that the complex is based on a 300-hectare space that connects the town centre and the Aldeamayor Golf development. From Metrovacesa, he explains that until 70 percent of each phase is completed, the next one cannot begin.
Ares has explained that it is a “new economic model” and explained that if all the development is completed, 30 percent of the City’s workers could occupy the homes that are built, in addition to just over the existing 50 percent in Aldeamayor.
Available data confirms that the total investment of the execution of the 14 phases of the complex would be 115 million euros, while if the project is completed fully, the investment would exceed 1,500 million euros; with direct employment for between the 6,500 and 9,000 people.
After the “milestone” of the environmental statement, the project managers have drawn up the following calendar. Before summer, Aldeamayor town council could grant provisional approval, while in September or October, the Regional Government of Castile and Leon would do the same with the final approval. At the end of 2019, the first phase could be underway, with the initial facilities and housing.
Miguel Díaz, Land Manager at Metrovacesa, did not want to state what the equipment of the first phase will be, but they are already in contact with a hospital, a sports medicine centre and other health services aimed in particular at the elderly population.
He also stressed that 30 percent of the homes that are built will be subject, by law, to some type of protection.
Metrovacesa has conceived an innovative project, in which it will offer land to specialized companies in the sector: hospitals, nursing homes, sheltered accommodation, day centres, housing co-operatives for the elderly, leisure centres, restaurants, shops, sports facilities, beauty, health facilities such as spas.