
Metrovacesa creates a new personalised service for clients needing an adapted home

Índice interactivo
9 May, 2019 · 4 mins de lectura
  • The company plans to meet the necessities of this collective as to accessibility for their future dwelling, taking another step forward in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Metrovacesa has signed an agreement with the DKV Integralia Foundation for its outstanding contact centre service that specialises in personalised attention


Madrid, 7 May 2019. Metrovacesa, a major real estate company in Spain, in collaboration with the DKV Integralia Foundation, has launched a new channel for communication with clients having special requirements in mobility needs. Thanks to this initiative, the company can assist their clients, studying their necessities and proposing solutions that fit into the design of their future adapted housing.


This new service, pioneering in the sector, will improve access to homes for clients with limited mobility. Through DKV Integralia, Metrovacesa will offer this service via their normal contact centre number (+34 900 55 25 25).  Clients just need to call, indicate the city in which they would be interested in purchasing a home or directly specifying which Metrovacesa promotion appeals to them, and what they consider to be the accessibility requirements based on their individual situation. This information is then studied by Metrovacesa’s technical team and the client receives a response in terms of feasibility.


This initiative is part of Metrovacesa’s CSR plan, as one of its actions based on socially responsible conduct. Within the company’s CSR and responsible business strategy, a top priority is facilitating public access to all the properties and new buildings that it constructs.


The Integralia Foundation was chosen by Metrovacesa a few months ago as its contact centre to provide personalised multi-channel attention to its clients, thereby contributing to the objectives of socially responsible business. The Foundation’s team manages the information requests that arrive and gathers client input and interest in Metrovacesa properties, as well as the client proposals.


In addition, with this attention service for the Metrovacesa client, the agreement boosts employment for individuals with disabilities, one of the collectives that currently has the most difficulty in gaining access to the work world.

This new service, pioneering in the sector, will improve access to homes for clients with limited mobility.

Commitment to responsibility

Throughout its value chain, Metrovacesa has always maintained a clear strategic focus on social development, respect for the environment, and economic stimulus. Within this commitment and as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility plan, Metrovacesa has also launched its “Senior Talent Programme” for employment opportunities. Its objective is to incorporate qualified experts into the company independently of age. To accomplish this, the enterprise focuses on candidates over 55, who besides have extensive professional experience in areas that are important for Metrovacesa business.


This initiative is one more example of how Metrovacesa strives to improve the employability of different profiles and their integration into society.




About Metrovacesa:

Metrovacesa is the leading real estate developer in Spain. With 100 years of history, its main business is the development and sale of residential properties, complemented by the development of commercial projects and active land management. It currently holds the largest developable land stock in Spain, with a total surface area of more than six million square metres of buildable space, facilitating the development of 38,000 homes nationwide. Its gross asset value (GAV) amounted to 2,672 million euros as of December 2018. Its geographical scope is both unique and balanced, with a particular emphasis on certain large cities. It also operates in leading tourist destinations and smaller cities that offer great potential. Metrovacesa, which began trading on the Continuous Market on 6 February 2018, boasts a team of 140 staff with extensive experience in the sector.


About Integralia Foundation:

The DKV Integralia Foundation was established by Dr Josep Santacreu, DKV CEO and Foundation President, in 1999. The organisation has a team of 491 individuals with a physical or sensory disability, chronic or degenerative condition, or mental disorder.

Integralia is a successful social enterprise initiative that is self-financed by providing contact centre services, training, inclusion consultancy and digital marketing services. It manages 7 special employment centres in Spain – Madrid, Sant Just Desvern, Badajoz (in Europe Assistance), Denia (in Marina Salud Hospital), Zaragoza, Jerez and Terrassa (in a joint foundation with Mútua de Terrassa). Most of its staff (63%) are women over 45 with very difficult access to the labour market. Since 2012, the foundation has also spearheaded a development cooperation programme in Peru, Colombia and India in alliance with social organisations and companies there. In these countries alone, Integralia has helped 903 individuals to enter companies and organisations and has assisted in training 1,295 people.

Metrovacesa has also launched its “Senior Talent Programme” for employment opportunities. Its objective is to incorporate qualified experts into the company independently of age.

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