Top 10 decoration styles

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4 March, 2019 · 6 mins reading time

Colours, materials, furniture… Discover how to adorn your interiors according to the decoration style that best suits your tastes.
When choosing the ideal home, issues such as the location, quality, price, or access to services are highly important factors to be taken into consideration. However, the transformation of a house into a real home is closely related to the interior design project that transfers these concepts to each space. The primary objective of an interior decorator is precisely this, to add aesthetic value to each space, conferring the necessary warmth and personal touch upon the same.
To achieve the balance between functionality and attractiveness will depend, not only on obtaining the most successful distribution, but also on the selected materials, textures, colours, furniture and accessories, all of which are options closely related to the different decoration styles. Are you looking for the beauty of simplicity displayed in the Scandinavian-style interiors? Would you prefer the warmth found in the tradition of rustic-style environments? Or are you more concerned about keeping up to date with the latest trends?

Classic style in decoration: What does this involve?

Contrary to what it may seem to be, the classic style survives the passage of time. We are referring to the elegant and sophisticated environments in which, together with the prominence of soft colours (beige, white, ochre, etc.), we find floral patterns or striped fabrics and textiles of silk, velvet, cretonnes…
Furniture is another of the most representative aspects of the classic decoration style. Options generally include large pieces, manufactured in noble woods such as oak, cherry or walnut, and dotted with metal or bronze details.

Romantic style: What does this involve?

If you are the type of person who prefers tender, warm and cosy interiors, the romantic style is for you. In this type of proposal, the decoration promotes the use of light colours, floral prints or patterns as the main signs of identity. There is no shortage of wooden furniture either (although, this is not essential).
Simple ornaments in the form baseboards or mouldings, as well as using elements such as mirrors, picture frames or cushions, will help to confer that delicate romantic style and sophistication to your decoration.

Industrial style: decorative features

This style emerged in the middle of the last century at the dawn of the conversion of old factories into modern lofts; the industrial style has won a place among those most in demand. What is the key to its appeal? This style mainly involves the bareness of materials (especially noticeable in bare brick walls, for example), architecture in view (in the form of pipes, beams or iron columns, among others) or the presence of materials such as leather, untreated wood or concrete are some of the decorative features of the industrial style.
If you are thinking about decorating your interiors with this style of decoration, you must not forget to include iconic pieces in the furnishings, e.g., large metal lamps or light bulbs in view and, whenever possible, invest in the concept of open spaces, i.e., without dividing walls.

To achieve the balance between functionality and attractiveness will depend, not only on obtaining the most successful distribution, but also on the selected materials, textures, colours, furniture and accessories, all of which are options closely related to the different decoration styles.

Retro style: Trendy decoration with the classics!

It is said that the classics never disappear and this is a message which the retro style seems to convey, functional decor that exudes character in which, pieces inspired by the past, decorate current lavish environments. Energy travels through interiors decorated with this style in which there is no shortage of serious-themed furniture, contrasting colours or floral and geometric patterns. Included among these are curved lines moving throughout the environments and surrounding all those who do not object to be captured by their charms.

Rustic style: a natural touch in the decoration of your home

Are you one of those who remembers with nostalgia the eternal summers at your grandparents’ house? Then for sure you recognise the keys to the rustic style in the old town houses but, far from being relegated to oblivion, this trend is perfect to give your interiors the charm of tradition.
Wood, stone, ceramic, natural fibres such as wool, flax or cotton, antique furniture… All of these are very present in designs capable of exuding the most natural warmth.

Bohemian style: What are its strengths in decoration?

Better known as boho chic, the bohemian style is vibrant and unique. To transfer this style to your interiors, you must first of all realise that you need a neutral base in walls and floors to fill these with colour through textiles, rugs, cushions… Considering that the chromatic palette is one of the strengths of this lively decoration that, in turn, allows you to include all kinds of resources using ethnic motifs, vintage furniture and, of course, any item manufactured in natural materials, glass, ceramics,…

Minimalist style: Pure decorative elegance!

You have probably heard on more than one occasion the expression “less is more” and, in the field of decoration styles, minimalism endorses this mantra to decorate the interiors with the elegance of simplicity.
In other words, if you want to decorate your home with the minimalist style, make sure to clear up the spaces, choose simple furnishings in light colours, dispense with the excess in ornaments and allow light to penetrate every corner.

Oriental style: a trendy decoration

Exoticism is one of the hallmarks of the oriental style, a practice that has already turned into a trend within the field of interior decoration. With a chromatic palette based on the use of light tones, these environments can be recognised due to their use of materials typical of oriental culture, from bamboo to stone and from rice paper to wicker. In addition, it is not unusual to apply Feng Shui criteria for designing interiors based on the oriental style.

Scandinavian style: keys in decoration

This style shares its taste for simplicity with the minimalist style, but in contrast with the latter, the Scandinavian style is rich in nuances. If you are thinking of restoring your interior decoration to the aesthetics of the houses in countries of northern Europe, you should be aware that issues such as natural light, white colour on walls and furniture or wood, should not be missing.
Another key to the Scandinavian-style decoration is the use of geometric patterns (in rugs, textiles, etc.) and, more recently, the incorporation of new materials such as copper or brass, but in small doses.

Nordic-style decoration: How to make the most of it?

This is one of the most fashionable trends because a good part of its charm has to do with the fact of enjoying the small things. The hygge decoration is one of the leading exponents of Nordic-style decoration, although, beyond its aesthetic impact, there is a whole philosophy of life hidden in the same. How to make the most of it? This can be as simple as putting your well-being in the centre of attention, endeavouring that people, not things, take precedence in any environment.
A sofa that is not simply attractive but is primarily comfortable; delicate colours such as beige or brown, or prints on walls, furniture and textiles; decorative objects that inspire happiness, such as a snapshot of the last vacation… All these details will help transfer to your interiors a good part of the Nordic-style principles seasoned with a touch of happiness.
Which of these decoration styles best reflects your personality?

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